There are several people who have volunteered their time and good efforts to create and operate a website for Famous Jazz Orchestra.
LEO ZUPAN is the one who obtained permission, established the website domain, and developed and began operation of the website.
PALMER MOORE then graciously carried on operations of the website and e-newsletter for around eight years. Palmer‘s health issues, COVID-19 and a variety of other conditions brought the website and newsletter to a screeching halt when Palmer unexpectedly passed away. We miss terribly his generosity and energy.
GEORGE PAREE applied himself diligently to the daunting task of rescuing the website. Despite the dim prospects he faced, George was able to recover a surprising amount of material from what seemed a total loss.
JOHN BESCH and BILL BARTELT are now in charge of the website and newsletter and have already taken it to a new level of quality, usability and appearance.
Famous Jazz Orchestra is eternally grateful to all these great friends! We are delighted that the website is back in operation and we are happy to be receiving compliments on its utility and good looks.
— Vaughn Wiester